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About Course

Graphic design is one of the most popular and in-demand career paths today. As a graphic designer, you can use your creative skills to create any type of marketing or advertising campaign, website, logo, or product packaging.

Path Ahead With Career Options

  • Graphic Designer
  • Animator
  • Concept Artist
  • Illustrator
  • Multimedia Programmer
  • Printmaker
  • Production Designer, Theatre/Television/Film

Course Content

Adobe Photoshop

  • Introduction To Photoshop
  • Background Changes
  • Retouching on Images
  • Working with Brush
  • Creating of Pattern, Brush & Gradient
  • Pen Tool & Vector Tools
  • Types Of Layers
  • Types Of Masking
  • Manipulation Techniques
  • Alignments And Distributes
  • Linking And Grouping
  • Tips and Tricks
  • Saving Web Page
  • Creating GIF
  • Variables & Print
  • Styles & Blending Option
  • Types & Selection
  • Liquify & Vanishing Point
  • File Management
  • Import & Export
  • Action & Batch
  • Images Adjustments with Levels and Curves

Adobe Illustrator

  • Drawing & Shape Tool
  • Vector Based Path
  • Working with Layer
  • Alignment of Shapes
  • Fill and storage
  • CMYK & RGB
  • Working with Swatches
  • Fill, Pattern & Gradient
  • Offset Path dialogue Box
  • Grouping path
  • Scale Tools and Rotate Tools
  • Drawing with Pen tool
  • Modifying a Path
  • Editing Spline Curves
  • Formatting of text
  • Using Gradient Palette and Gradient Slider Bar
  • Applying clipping mask
  • Illustrator Art Brushes
  • Creating an Art Brushes
  • Changing text to an Art Brushes
  • Creation of 3D Effects & Printing
  • Saving Creating and Editing
  • 3D Effects in Illustrator
  • Extrude and Bevel Effect & Resolve Effect
  • Printing and Exporting

Adobe Indesign

  • Introduction to InDesign
  • Creating Document
  • Managing and text formatting
  • Master Page
  • Paragraphs InDesign


  • CorelDRAW Learning Basic Tools
  • Interactive Blend Tools
  • Interactive Contour Tool
  • Interactive Distortion Tool
  • Interactive Drop Shadow Tool
  • CorelDRAW Shapes
  • Interactive Transparency Tool
  • Interactive Extrude Tool
  • Interactive Envelope Tool
  • Pick Tool - Move
  • Pick Tool - Skew
  • Pick Tool - Resize
  • Corel Text Basics
  • Working with Wireframe & Zoom Settings
  • Simple Wireframe
  • Wireframe
  • Behind / In Front Of
  • Preview Selected Preview
  • Zoom Selected
  • Fit In Window
  • Zoom All
  • Basics Graphics Terms – Ungroup
  • Guidelines Details
  • Guidelines
  • Create Beautiful Bevels
  • Tips for Designing Newsletter Layouts
  • How to Create a Newsletter
  • Create Perfect Photo Composites with the Cut-Out Lab
  • Tracing with Corel Trace
  • Fit Text to Path Basic
  • Fit Text to Path Intermediate
  • Fit Text to Path Advanced
  • Removing Text Path Basic
  • Removing Text Path Intermediate
  • Working with Advance Tools & Shapes
  • Blend Rotation
  • Add Respective Basic
  • Add Respective Shape
  • Blend Different Shapes
  • Colour Blending
  • Blend Steps
  • Using Power Clips
  • Crop Tool
  • Eraser Tool
  • Knife Tool
  • Interactive Fill Tool
  • Complex Star Tool
  • Spiral Tool
  • Graph Paper Tool


  • HTML Introduction
  • HTML Basic
  • HTML Elements
  • HTML Attributes
  • HTML Heading
  • HTML Paragraphs
  • HTML Styles
  • HTML Formatting
  • HTML Colors
  • HTML Links
  • HTML Images
  • HTML Iframe
  • HTML Forms
  • HTML Forms Attributes
  • HTML Form Elements
  • HTML Input Type
  • HTML Input Attribute
  • HTML Input Form Attributes
  • HTML Media
  • HTML Video
  • HTML Audio
  • HTML YouTube
  • HTML Tables


  • CSS Introduction
  • CSS Selectors
  • CSS Comments
  • CSS Colors
  • CSS Backgrounds
  • CSS Borders
  • CSS Margin
  • CSS Padding
  • CSS Height/width
  • CSS Box Model
  • CSS Outline
  • CSS Text
  • CSS Fonts
  • CSS Icons
  • CSS Links
  • CSS List
  • CSS Tables
  • CSS Display
  • CSS Max-Width
  • CSS Position
  • CSS Z-index
  • CSS Overflow
  • CSS Float
  • CSS Opacity
  • CSS Navigation Bar
  • CSS Counters
  • CSS Website
  • CSS Advance
  • CSS Responsive


  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Syntax & Comments
  • Variables & Bitwise Operators
  • Arithmetic, Data Types & Function
  • Objects & Events
  • Arrays Method, Sort & iteration & Strings
  • Dates & Math
  • Random, Booleans & Comparison
  • Conditions & Switch
  • For & While loop
  • Break & Type conversion
  • DOM & BOM


  • Responsive Navbar
  • Margins
  • Modals
  • Dialog
  • Buttons
  • Forms
  • List Groups
  • Badges, Pills
  • Cards
  • Tables
  • Alerts
  • Navigation Option
  • Links
  • Media Object
  • Dropdown
  • Pagination
  • Process bar & Collapse
  • Bootstrap Scaffolding
  • Page Components
  • Page Components Forms
  • Bootstrap Plugins
  • Extending Bootstrap with Custom Plugin

Course Duration & Eligibility

Duration Eligibility
One Year You may join this course after completing your 10+2

Features & Facilities

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