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About Course

Basic computer knowledge is about how computers work and how to use them. This may include typing, learning keyboard commands, powering a computer on and off, knowing how to connect and disconnect the Internet to a computer. It can help you understand different operating systems and application software.

Path Ahead With Career Options

  • Administrative Assistant
  • Office Manager
  • Data Analyst
  • Financial Analyst
  • Market Research Analyst
  • Metrics Specialist
  • Desktop Publisher

Software that you will learn in this course

Course Content

1) Computer Fundamentals

  • Definition of computer
  • Advantage of computer
  • Computer Application
  • Generation of computer
  • Features of computer
  • Types of computers
  • Input & Output Devices
  • Ram & Rom
  • Types of Memory
  • Motherboard
  • Internet & Ethernet
  • Operating System

2) Operating System

  • About Computers
  •  Hardware And Software 
  • About Operating System and Windows OS
  •  Using Windows 7, 8,10 & 11.
  • Working With Windows Environment
  •  Installing Programs
  • Creating Files & Folders
  • Using Pen Drive, CD, DVD & Various other devices

3) MS Word

  • Introduction & Word Basics 
  • Format Document with Bullets and Numbering
  •  Working With Tabs Create & Apply Styles
  •  Advance Find and Replace Techniques
  •  Inserting Graphics, Tables, Charts and Objects
  •  Setting up your Document
  • Advanced Page layout tools
  • Creating Reports in Various Tabular Format
  • Inserting and formatting Pictures, Charts etc.
  • Inserting and using Hyperlinks and bookmarks with Cross reference
  •  Inserting Header, Footers and Page numbers with Various variation
  • Paragraph formatting and Objects 
  • Working with Themes & Page Backgrounds
  • Paragraph Formatting and objects 
  • Working with Themes & Page background
  •  Paragraph Formatting and Object arrangement
  •  Setting up Document for Print with Page Setup
  • Using Referencing tools, Spelling & Grammar
  • Using mailing Features with Advance mail merge Technique
  •  Document Protection & Restrict Editing Setting
  • Introduction to Macros, Recording & Uses
  • Macros to Automate Difficult Tasks in Word Document

4) Ms Excel

  • Clipboard operating & Paste Special
  • Font Formatting
  • Alignments
  • Merging Cells
  • Format Cells
  • Number
  • Font
  • Border
  • Fill & Protection
  • Conditional Formatting
  • Tables
  • Editing Tools
  • Sorting & Filtering
  • Find & Replace
  • Pivot tables
  • Printing option
  • Scale To Fit
  • Alignments
  • About Formulas & functions
  • Insert Functions
  • Using various Function-Financial
  • Logical text
  • Date & Time
  • Lookup & Reference
  • Mathematical Functions
  • Function Nesting and Advanced uses
  • Getting External Data
  • Connection
  • Advanced Sorting & Filtering
  • Flash Fill
  • Remove Duplicates
  • Validation Techniques
  • What-if-Analysis
  • Group-Ungroup
  • Subtotaling
  • Comments
  • Proofing
  • Share Workbook
  • Protect Sheet
  • Workbook
  • Allow user to Edit range
  • Creating

5) MS PowerPoint

  • Introduction Slide
  • Outline Slide
  • Content Slide
  • Final Slide
  • Slide Show
  • Graphs & Diagrams
  • Templates & Fonts
  • Colour
  • Animation
  • Transition
  • Photo Album


6) Internet

  • Introduction to Internet
  • WWW
  • Web Browsing Software
  • Configuring Web Browser
  • Search Engines
  • Downloading Web Page
  • About E-Mail, Using E-Mail
  • Handling Spam
  • Social Networking
  • Send SMS on Mobile

Course Duration & Eligibility

03 Months You may join this course after completing your 10th class

Features & Facilities

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